The market is roaring in Palo Alto and most homes are getting multiple offers. If you are a Personal Representative for a Palo Alto Probate Sale, or a Successor Trustee for a Trust Sale
how do you know which is the best offer? How do you choose from the
embarrassment of riches, especially if you are not from the area and are
not familiar with area?
If you follow these steps you should be fine.
1. If you have an all cash offer with no contingencies that is the highest of all offers. Pick that one.
2. If you have an all cash offer for less than a financed offer it may still be the best, but it may not be.
If the financed offer has no appraisal contingency and it is higher
than the cash offer you can make an argument that that is a better offer
because it is higher. If the buyer is pre-approved and the house does
not have to appraise for offered price the risk of the transaction
falling through because of of the loan not being approved is small.
If there are multiple offers with financing contingencies and appraisal
contingencies things get a little more complicated. It is very likely
that there will be offers that will over what the appraisal will bear.
When Number 4 happens I counter offers by asking the agents what will
your client do if the home does not appraise for the value you have
offered. This is important because if you have a home worth $800,000 and
the buyers have offered $850,000 but subject to appraisal, they may
have really just offered $800,000 if the home will not appraise higher.
So, what I want to know is what is the buyer going to do if the home
does not appraise for what was offered.
6. Take the offer that you
feel has the best chance of giving the estate the best realistic price
based on what the buyer is capable of doing vs what they have offered to
Even in this crazy Palo Alto seller's market,
negotiations still matter, and you will not automatically get what you
are offered, so hire someone who knows what he or she is doing and get
the interests of the estate protected. Also, if the agent you are
interviewing does not know what a Personal Representative or a Successor Trustee is, interview someone else for the job.
If you have any questions about selling a home in Trust or Probate in Palo Alto please feel free to contact me.
Marcy Moyer
Keller Williams Realty
D.R.E. 01191194
52 minutes ago
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