Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Difference a Photo Makes

Photography has everything to do with how a buyer perceives a house on the market. Listings with the highest quality images attract the most interest--what looks the best is the easiest sell. This is an important tip for sellers and something they should take as priority. Photos are the first impression buyers get of your home. Investing in the most experienced, professional photographer available will make a huge difference in how quickly your house sells and how much it sells for.

Buyers should remember that great pictures might speak a thousand words, but they aren't necessarily the most important ones. Often a great house lurks behind a poor photograph, or a house that looks amazing in twelve different thumbprint images is really far tinier in life than it appeared online or in a newspaper. Find an agent that's willing to keep an open mind about homes that don't dazzle in pictures. While photographs can be a helpful guide, they shouldn't be your sole factor when choosing what houses to focus on. 

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